Travel insurance has been our specialty and unique expertise for over a quarter of a century. Over the years, we’ve built an extensive network of hundreds of partners across Canada. They offer coverage for all your travel needs and, most importantly, protect what’s most important: you.
We provide expert, personalized support to all our customers, without exception, meeting their needs where and when it matters—anytime, anywhere.
We protect your interests at every stage of your trip by carefully selecting products for every situation.
Through our extensive network of hundreds of partners across Canada, we benefit from economies of scale that allow us to offer you reliable coverage from reputable insurers.
Our constant drive for innovation is the foundation of our growth. For SecuriGlobe, there is no limit that is insurmountable.
SecuriGlobe offers a first-class service to all its clients as well as on-demand customized coverage at the best price, guaranteed, with no compromises.
Since 2024, SecuriGlobe, Canada’s largest travel insurance broker, has expanded its activities by partnering with Navacord. Founded in Toronto in 2014, Navacord is one of the top three commercial insurance brokerage firms in Canada, with more than $2.5 billion in premiums. This partnership strengthens SecuriGlobe’s competitive position, giving us expanded national reach and more resources to better serve you, while maintaining our distinct identity. It also allows us to collaborate with like-minded professionals and to anchor our group benefits practise in Western Canada.