Termsof use

  • Terms of use

    SecuriGlobe is a firm in the insurance of persons based in Canada. For many years now, SecuriGlobe has specialized in travel and expatriate insurance. We are different from traditional brokers, since we offer our clients solutions tailored to the needs they experience when travelling abroad.

  • Notice

    These Terms of Use govern the use of SecuriGlobe’s site as well as the sites of its partners and its duly authorized representatives (“SecuriGlobe”). You acknowledge having read these Terms of Use and agree to be bound by them when accessing these sites.

    SecuriGlobe reserves the right to modify these terms at any time and without notice. Unless the context indicates a different meaning, “SecuriGlobe” means each and every one of the companies that offers products and services on this site and are affiliated with SecuriGlobe, as well as its partners and duly authorized representatives.

  • Protection of personal information

    Please consult the Protection of Personal Information section for more details.

  • Accuracy of the information provided on the website

    SecuriGlobe is committed to taking the measures necessary to ensure that the information contained on these sites is as reliable as possible.

    However, SecuriGlobe cannot ensure that this information is always accurate and current. Without limiting the foregoing, SecuriGlobe relieves itself of any responsibility with regard to the accuracy of the information these sites contain. The use of these sites is subject to the user’s acceptance of this risk.

  • Limitation of liability

    SecuriGlobe may not be held liable for damage of any type whatsoever arising, directly or indirectly, from the use or operation of the sites and the information that they contain.

  • Availability of the site and absence of guarantee

    SecuriGlobe cannot ensure that these sites will be available, that they will meet your requirements, that access to them will not be interrupted, that there will not be delays, failures, errors, omissions or losses of information transmitted, that no virus or other contaminating or destructive element will be transmitted and that no damage will be caused to your computer system.

  • Links to other websites

    Links to other sites may be made available to you. SecuriGlobe does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of these other sites, neither is it responsible for any modifications to these sites, as they are subject to their own terms of use. Accordingly, SecuriGlobe may not, under any circumstances, be held liable for any damage that may arise, directly or indirectly, from the use, operation or content of these other websites.

  • Transaction and signature

    To access online services, you may be required to use identifying information such as your email address, your full name, etc.

    By using online services, you acknowledge that the provision of identifying information is equivalent to your signature. You also acknowledge that checking a box or clicking on indications such as “Ok”, “Send”, “Agree” or any similar indication is equivalent to your agreement and binds you legally.

  • Copyright and trademarks

    All information provided on these sites is protected by copyright legislation. The redistribution, reproduction, copying, publication, storage in any format, modification or other such use of the information provided on the sites without the prior written authorization of SecuriGlobe is strictly prohibited. Site users may only make personal use of this information.

    All product, service and company names provided on these sites are trademarks of SecuriGlobe and its partners. Any use of these trademarks without the written permission of SecuriGlobe is strictly prohibited.

  • Use of cookies and other technology

    SecuriGlobe uses cookies, which are text files placed on your computer. SecuriGlobe also retains the services of specialized companies that use technology allowing them to collect information such as information about your browser, your system and your IP address. The use of cookies and other technology is used to determine user preferences, gauge the effectiveness of its advertising, track how visitors use its sites and optimize navigation. No personal information is collected by SecuriGlobe during this process.

    You may disable the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. However, doing so may prevent you from using certain features on these sites.

  • Ssl technology

    Our websites use encryption technology, such as SSL protocol, to protect your personal information when data is transferred. SSL protocol encrypts all information in a command, such as your name, address and credit card number.

  • Online entry forms

    For the purposes of online entry forms, namely for contests, surveys, etc., SecuriGlobe may do business with one or more Internet service providers based outside of Canada. Therefore, SecuriGlobe wishes to advise you that the information and documents you may provide to SecuriGlobe in support of such forms may be stored outside of Canada. If so, they would be governed by the laws of foreign countries or states. Moreover, the terms of use and the privacy policies of the service providers with which SecuriGlobe does business apply to the use of these forms. By completing such forms, you tacitly accept such a situation.

  • Rights reserved

    All rights that have not been expressly granted herein are reserved.